Wednesday, December 07, 2005

GONG part II: the return of the hand that touched the little girl!

So my film did well at the screening. It didn't get gonged, but I have to say my heart is broken, because I lost to a skateboard video.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I'm going to submit one of my films to this monthly film festival put on by The Loft Cinema. It's also hosted by Max Cannon, creator of the hit comic strip "RED MEAT", the rules go like this. Each film plays for 3 minutes, after that the crowd can Boo it off the screen, at this point it gets gonged and the next film screens. My film is only 5 minutes so it might make it. I wish I could submit my latest film, but they cap the films at 10 minutes and mines 15.

We shall see what happens

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Yea!!!! I won first place and $40.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Man, what a crappy week. Maybe I'll win some money at poker on friday.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mullets on the Rise!!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in quite some time. I was too busy pretending a the manager at the KFC down the street. They caught on real quick once it was apparent that I didn't know how to fix the frier and burnt that little girls face off. She wasn't using it!

Did that not make sense to either.

Jamie came down this weekend and it was loads of fun. We had a Halloween party on friday. This random man with a mullet came in and started drinking the beer and putting his arm around the girls. I had already been drinking and smoking so I was fearless. I pulled him aside and said "Listen you sonbitch, I don't want you and your long hair in the back type ways at my party. you got that?!" he replied "You have meet beat sir, your charming good looks are no match for my lower city ways. I will bid you good day."

Actually I just asked him to leave and he did. Which story is true? We may never know.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


FUCK the baseball post season. Twice now it has deprived me of The Simpsons, Family Guy, and King of the Hill.

FUCK Kinkos for not supporting Mac users. I needed to print my DVD labels yesterday and each location either didn't have a Mac station or their printer was broken.

FUCK the sound guy at Plush. When I hear bands play on their stage, it usually sounds pretty good (they're the best sounding room in Tucson) but there's always one glaring problem that's a quick fix. Like not being able to hear the backup vocals or lead guitar. When I look over at the sound guy, what is he doing? He's reading the Tucson Weekly which is spread out over the board.

FUCK the Shanty for not letting Kurt into their bar because his state issued I.D. isn't a driver's license.

FUCK Christian motivational speakers.

FUCK the U of A media arts department, just because they deserve it.

FUCK my dentist. A few months ago, one of my fillings fell out.

FUCK scientology and all who follow it's wacky gods of outer space. Except for Beck, he has groovy beats.

....and finally

BUCK Fush!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Bing! Bong! Blah!

I guess I should write another blog entry. I haven't in a while and I'm sure everyone is just iching to know what's been going on in the life Ford "Fuck Ya" Corl.

- I've been thinking about going to Club Crawl and seeing some of my favorite local bands. I hope Riley can go with me.

- I'm waiting to hear back from the DV festival (Hollywood), The Reno festival (ummm...Reno), and Sedona. I just submitted to Pheonix and Eurika Springs.

- I just finished the DVD of my movie and I think it looks great. I can send some copies to whoever wants it

- What the hell should I write now....ummmmmm.... oh Ya. I saw The New Pornographers at the Rialto Theatre last weekend. It was great but that theatre sounds like shit, even after they spent thousands on repairing it's acoustics.

- I co-directed a film that was shot more than a year ago and it's still not done. It may just take another year to finish.

bye bye

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Drunkin Version of My Post

- R Kelly kicks ass, he's the best song writer....ever!

- Banana bread reminds me of grandma

- What if the flying squirrels decide to turn against us all?

- Sometimes I lie in grassy fields, look at the clouds and wonder how many burritos I can eat to send myself to the E.R.

- My cat has the fluffiest tail in all the land

- The website for the film festival that excepted me listed my name as Fred Corl... arh!!!

- Bill Buckmaster used to tell us about a little friend that lived in his head. He couldn't tell us his name because if he did...he would die

- I'm off to bed

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Get Out of My Fucking TVs!

This is a picture I created for my myspace account. I'm not that into myspace, but this was a fun project.

Everyone look close, maybe you're in my fun repressed memory wall.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


- Is it just me, or does R Kelly’s songs suck ass?

- If you like banana bread, you’ll love chocolate chip banana bread.

- What’s the deal with flying squirrels?

- I miss playing volleyball.

- Caviar looks kind of gross.

- Sometimes I lie in grassy fields, look at the clouds and wonder how much shit is being talked about me at that moment.

- My cat likes to sleep on the 4th shelf and the 4th shelf only of the bookcase in my living room.

- I finally got into a film festival, it’s a small one but it’s a start.

- Music fills me with heart and soul, but Huey Lewis and the News does not.

- I kicked Riley’s ass at racket ball today

- Sometimes Bill Buckmaster, host of the news magazine “Arizona Illustrated”, asks us how we like our eggs cooked.

- I’m done

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rock and/or Roll

I remember the days when rock shows were so important to me. I'd spike up my hair and gather all the friends I could. We'd make our way downtown somehow and see a great band play at the Rialto theatre. All that ended after high school and a period of my life was spent without the joys of hearing great bands play. I'd see local show after local show, but It never gave me the satisfaction like seeing a band you only knew through faceless sound coming from a CD gave me.

Last night it happened again. I found a couple of friends and we made our way downtown to see the Decemberists live at the newly remodeled Rialto theatre. It gave me one of the most intense feelings of nostalgia I've ever felt. The music was a excellent mixture of folk, pop, and chamber music. My taste in music has evolved since high school (I listened to punk rock and punk rock only) but I was happy to experience the feeling of seeing a good show with friends again.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Oh My God...Giant Asshole Kid!!!!!!!!

Tonight is one of those nights where I feel like learning something. I've been struggling with Photoshop for the past year. Mostly because I never sat down and gave it enough time. Well tonight I did it you guys!!!! and I made this

I know what you're's beautiful.

but there's no need to praise me...I already know.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wacky Ball Hitting Fun Crazy Time!!!!!!!

I just saw an amazing tennis match this evening, Andre Agassi vs. Co-American James Blake. James Blake won the first 2 sets (they play the best of five). Andre had never come back from a 2 set deficit at the U.S. Open, it was going to be history in the making I knew it. This was one of those matches where if something good or bad happened, I'd jump out of my seat and cheer (I wonder what my neighbor thinks of me). Andre managed to tie it at two sets a piece.

Just as they were playing the 5th set tie-breaker Kurt walked in the door with this goodie goodie Christian girl. She walked right up to the T.V. and started watching with me, She was rooting for Blake I was rooting for Agassi. Blake would hit a great shot and she would scream. Agassi hit a winner down the line and I tried to hold back my excitement. But, that last shot fell in and Andre won the match and I stood up and screamed quite loud. I wasn't about to let her hinder the emotions I was feeling at that time. I sent her off crying like a baby.....Stupid Christians

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Friday, August 26, 2005

Buggys, Froggys, and Monkeys…oh my!

I’ve been trying to convince Kurt that we need to start a “Presidents of the United States of America” cover band. It’s been my idea since about a year ago when Kurt and I went to Club Congress to see “The Great American Cover Up”, where local bands pick one group to cover and play their stuff for a half an hour. Every time I mention it to him, he says “Yeah man, that sounds awesome” and then he gives me the metal sign. All right, he didn’t give me the metal sign but I know he really doesn’t want to play with me. How can I get him to change his mind? Should I replace all of his Dream Theatre CDs with Presidents CDs? Should I hide his equipment throughout the house and notify him I’m not going to tell him the locations of his stuff until he submits? Should I start singing the Presidents during our morning shower?…scratch that last part

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I just thought this picture was funny too


Monday, August 22, 2005

Where's My Mommy!?!?!?

I had myself a bit of a day today.

It started with my class. I've never met a more boring teacher in all my life. He had the incredibly original idea for all of us to stand up, say our name, why we're media arts majors etc. and I couldn't stand hearing 20 people get up there and say "I'm a media major because...I like movies...They fuckin' rock." (it was something like that)

After my class I drove Jerome to the airport and the entire drive I couldn't stop thinking that Riley and Kurt are my options now. It's difficult saying goodbye to someone when you don't know when you'll see them again. Most people try to leave it with a positive note, like "I'll see you next summer." There's a possibility that I'll never see Jerome again, but of course I'll hope for the best.

And last but not least, I worked computer graphics at KUAT tonight and mid-show my computer crashed, causing a lovely few seconds of black air. I wasn't too worried because the people who watch this damn show can barely see or hear.

So yes, today the powers that be decided it was my turn to spend 24hrs in a whirlwind of emotional downers. I'm feeling better, but I wonder who's turn it'll be tomorrow.


P.S.- Doesn't this picture kick ass!!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!?

Who the hell are all these random people commenting on my blog. Seriously, are they automated messages or are they so lonely that they need to make 4 new comments between 1am and 2am.

I'm still new to the blogging world, maybe there's a way to better secure my blog from spam or....lonely people.

"Missedafied" Jerome

Tonight Jerome, Kurt and myself went to a bar. It was the usual, motorcycles kicking up dust on the patio that officially launched my allergy season, tennis on their widescreen T.V. (which was streched and looked like shit), 4 beers, several cigarettes, a brief argument with Kurt about how Christian music labels exploit the church and people of faith, and the simple but fun antics of Jerome.

I never thought it would be this way, but I've grown attached to Jerome and hate to see him go back to France. He always added something to a get together, and is one of the nicest guys I know. It's come to that point where I feel like I've taken his friendship for granted and wished we did more.

I'll have several drinks in his honor Sunday night.


Friday, August 19, 2005

Well well well...

It looks like I've finally given in and signed up for one of these blog type things. Where else can I push my opinions about Politics, Philosophy, Movies, Blue's Clues etc.

This also gives me a chance to show people how royaly f*cked up I am. Because lets face it, it's much more fun to write about things that make you want to jump off a cliff.

I hope you all enjoy reading about the exciting world of Ford and his wacky ventures into the deepest darkest Barrios of Tucson AZ