Friday, February 24, 2006


You know what?!

Seedless watermelons are weird.

Do you think that in some crazy backwards world, where watermelons ruled the planet and ate people, they would genetically engineer people without genitals so they wouldn't have to keep spitting them out?

Just wondering.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

ping pongo malo

So here's a quick little thing.

On Saturday Jamie and I were eating breakfast at a place called the Gold and Silver. I wanted ketchup, so I picked up the bottle and shook it. The cap came off and I flung ketchup all over me, the table, the floor, a chair, and possibly the people behind me.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Stoned to Death!!

So things are still going well here in Reno. My job keeps me busy and doesn't pay me very much, and our apartment is holding up nicely. The Olympics start soon on the great network of NBC, which means for the entire duration of the events I get to work 12 hour shifts. Oh well at least the overtime will be nice.

The thing I love best about working for NBC is I get to watch "The Office" every Thursday. And here I thought the only good decision this network ever made was "The West Wing". The Office is great!!! Steve Carell is brilliant and the writing is subtle and hilarious. YEAH!! the West Wing turned to shit at the best possible time. I've got a new #1 in my book.

And finally, to explain the title to this post. I know my titles never seem to make any reference to anything, well this time It does. I feel sorry for anyone who had to sit through the vomity vile sound of the Rolling Stones for the Super Bowl half time show. Never have I heard such an extreme sound of excrement leave an amplifier before. McJagger was so busy attempting to jump around like a troubled middle school student, he forgot to sing his songs correctly. Mind you I've never really liked the Stones, but their performance put the final nail in a coffin containing any hope for my admiration.