Saturday, May 20, 2006

Evil Evil Balloon

Yes it is true. The band that I created almost a year ago has made an album. It's rough around the edges, but more fun then the West Side Story soundtrack.

I'm working on a second one as well. I have two songs complete and about 4 others in the works.

Friday, May 12, 2006

This is KRNV Weather Forcaster Colin Hackman. He looks just like your average pasty white boy, but deep within his flesh, running through his veins is the spirit of a ghetto style rap artist.
Some people from work along with myself, went to this place called "The Green Room" on Tuesday for free style rap night. I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of spending five dollars for a beer and listening to hip hop all night long. Once they took the stage I knew I had made a mistake. Pretty much take what you'd expect to see and hear from a free style rap-o-thon, and that's was its. But, when Colin took the stage I was blown away by his ability to smoothly rap a pretty damn good piece. His choice of words is what seemed to get to me. I guess rap can be enjoyable when you have a decent volcabulary and your not talking about pimp slapping your mom because she's a bitch ass hoe!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Whip It Good!

Tonight some friends from work and myself went and saw some crappy freestyle rap in hopes of seeing one of our reporters at News 4(Where News Comes First!). He supposedly was going to rap but he never showed up. So instead we went to another bar and watched other people sing kareoke ..............

I ended up singing "Whip It" to a bunch of people that wanted to hear only country music, and I only had two beers......What have I become?